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[vdr] Re: Feature Request: restart on UPT

On Sat, Feb 07, 2004 at 11:07:47AM +0100, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

> > I just tried vdr-1.3.2 and got UPT and the recording wasn't readable at
> > all: I forgot to edit remux.c ;-)
> > 
> > Could this be a "feature" set in Make.config?
> > For example with a ROUPT=1.
> Please try the suggested fix for the UPT error I posted yesterday.
> Hopefully with this there will be no more UPT errors...

In fact the situation is worse with the patch: I still have the UPT
problem when I first want to record on second card, but it takes longer
to come: I prefer an immediate exit of VDR in case of problem...
Well, maybe it's not an UPT anymore:
Feb  7 11:20:00 greg vdr[13116]: ERROR: video data stream broken
Feb  7 11:20:00 greg vdr[13116]: initiating emergency exit
(same error as reported on

So I would still love to have an ROUPT option (just an ifdef isn't that
hard ;-) ).

Sorry for the bad new, but you certainly already know that your patch
didn't solve the problem is reading

Thank you,

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