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[vdr] Re: Feature Request: restart on UPT

On Sat, Feb 07, 2004 at 11:53:17AM +0100, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

> > Well, maybe it's not an UPT anymore:
> > Feb  7 11:20:00 greg vdr[13116]: ERROR: video data stream broken
> > Feb  7 11:20:00 greg vdr[13116]: initiating emergency exit
> > (same error as reported on

> The patch definitely cured the UPT problem on the system I was debugging it.

Same for me, BUT with this fix it take more time to exit vdr...

> Your log excerpt above indicates a "video data stream broken" error, which
> I assume is a different error than the UPT error. On "video data stream broken"
> VDR already does a restart when recording.
> Are you absolutely, positively sure that you still get an "Unknown picture type"
> error with my patch applied?

No, as I have written "Well, maybe it's not an UPT anymore:"

> The reports on indicate that it is no longer the UPT error,
> but a "video data stream broken" error, which may have different roots...

Yes, for sure it's a good way in the right direction (even if from an
user point of view it just take longer to exit...). What I find really
good now is that if you take this patch into 1.3.4 we don't need to edit
remux.c to restart VDR on problem ;-)

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