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[vdr] Re: is vdrconvert really so buggy?

Richard Müller wrote:

a vdr without a built-in dvd recorder is like red without wine...
I had a working vdr installation (c't out of the box), bought a dvd recorder (NEC 1300 A), and installed it together with vdrconvert and vdrsync (installed from repository (Heise) 3 days ago).
Since then nothing works properly. I will list the faulty and really annoying things:
[...] as Karsten Müller noted it's unlikely for the (shell) scripts to cause instability of the setup.

OutCommand: timeout waiting for COMMAND line
av71100: ARM crashed!
SOutCommand error
outcom error
StartHWFilter error
StopHWFilter error
gpioirq unknown type=0 len=0
and so on.

Has anyone similar experiences? Does anyone know about remedies?
This looks like bad tuning / low signal strength crashing the ARM. Tell us more about your setup.
I've noticed these kind of crashes within a couple of hours on a full featured revision 1.3 DVB-s when there is no sat signal and it is used for replay only.

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