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[vdr] Re: VDR newbie; problems with /dev/video0 etc

I did 2 installations w/o hardware stuff about 6 month ago,
i used xine-plugin for the desktop linux client, which also is used for dvd viewing and writing(P4 2,4), and i choose xineliboutput for the server (two nova budget,sat), which runs seldomly with screen on (his gf. watches tv there only when they argue too much, it is to weak to deinterlace in HQ, it a P3 866).
I did not test softdevice or any other FB/DirectFB or Xv sollution which lacks _good_ de-interlacer. not my taste, i tend to get tired eyes way faster.

just my2cents

Hamish Moffatt wrote:

On Wed, Feb 18, 2004 at 05:38:15PM +0100, Onno Kreuzinger wrote:

you don't have any video0 device kvdr could use, you seem to use budget cards, they don't offer a picture (mpeg2 decoding) in any way.
You must use softdevice or xine-plugin or xineliboutput to get a picture on your monitor.
[or even read some more to kwon what you have and what you want ;) ]

Thanks Onno, I understand now. I did not realise that kvdr requires
overlay (it isn't clear from the web site), I had hoped it might have
the MPEG decoder built-in.

It looks like softdevice 0.0.5 with Xv output
( and more patches
or vdr-xine ( would help.

xineliboutput seems to do the opposite.


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