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[vdr] Re: EPG data for BBC

On 24/02/2004 17:50:09, wrote in

> Iwan,
> OK thanks. At least I now know all is OK at my side. I saw something
> about XMLTV, so I'll take another look.
> Cheers Brian
I've just managed to set up a Wireless AP, bridge and dial-up router on my 
main server, so my VDR box now has Internet access again. I've been testing 
the xmltv2vdr process: Now that Ananova no longer provides xmltv listings, 
the xmltv grabber for the UK is really slow, especially on our crappy dial-
up connection. It took about 35 minutes to download 2 days' worth of 
listings for 8 channels... At least you can turn off the extra detailed 
information if you have a slow connection.

But anyway, xmltv2vdr (I'm using 1.0.5) works well, taking practically no 
time to update the EPG. 


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