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[vdr] Re: DVD plugin (dvd-0.3.4-rc10) and LIRC

Sebastian Kemper wrote:

This is the exact problem I'm experiencing right know. Is there a
solution yet? Sorry for the bad quoting!


Quote: "Now that I have managed to compile it I have a bit of a problem
with LIRC, namely you get a command, or two in when the dvd starts, but
then the remote does nothing. Meanwhile the keyboard does still control

I notice that the cpu usage of vdr is ~35% (of a fast Athlon) so maybe
that is disturbing the counting ? Anyway, is there a fix ?
I know this post is more than a month old, but I was wondering if there was anyone out there who found a solution for this problem?

VDR reacts slowly to any command comming in from the remote while a DVD is playing (CPU usage is at 30-45% on a 900 Duron). I have to press the buttons on my remote a few seconds in order to make something happen. After I managed to get the DVD into Pause, the remote works again as it should.

If anyone on this list could take a look at the sourcecode and tell why it turned out to be so slow after dvd-0.3.4-rc6.

Thank you,

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