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[vdr] Re: any ten minutes restarting vdr

I was having a lot of trouble because of temparature problem with an old Hauppauge 1.3 revision and acpi with the elitegroup k7s5a revision 3.1.
Check this, maybe it helps:
1. Start the computer after a long break. Is vdr running for a longer time? Afterwards it breaks again after 10 minutes? --> Maybe you have a temparature problem. Try to cool the tvcard.
2. Your Linux-distribution maybe have a problem with the apic mode of your board. It depends from the version of your board.
With Suse Linux you can start Linux with the boot options 'noapic pci=noacpi'. With other distros i don't know.
But usually with this problem vdr should run for some hours, not just for 10 minutes.

I don't believe this is a software problem. I'm not a developper. But if there would be a software problem, there should be a message in the log file.

Greetings from Switzerland

Martin Schoenbeck schrieb:
my vdr is restarting nearly any ten minutes. I already replaced the 1.1.1. driver by 1.0.0, but no difference. The restart happens without any message. In seldom cases it runs for an hour, but most times ten minutes and done.

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