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[vdr] Re: Outdated EPG-Box

Oliver Endriss wrote:
> On Sunday 11 April 2004 12:28, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> > Oliver Endriss wrote:
> > > I can confirm this with a single-card system (vanilla 1.3.6, EPG scan
> > > disabled). If you switch to a transponder which has not been accessed
> > > for a few hours you get outdated current/next information...
> >
> > Do you see the correct information if you turn the channel display off
> > and on while on that channel? I would assume this is the case, and VDR 1.3.7
> > will dynamically update that information while the channel display is on.
> Yes, the current/next info is correct after a few seconds on the
> transponder. Could it be that vdr uses out-dated running-status
> information when I switch to the transponder?

Yes, that's exactly what's happenig.
In order to make sure the channel display displays the current event, even
if that event's end time has already passed by, it uses the "running status"
to identify the currently runnign event. In case you're switching to a channel
that hasn't been received for a while (and thus the running status is outdated)
VDR will show the wrong event. As I said, in VDR 1.3.7 the correct event will
be shown automatically as soon as the new running status has been revceived,
which is typically within one or two seconds.


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