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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Sharemarks Project 0.1

Hello Clemens,

> it is not only the usability that counts, but also how easy it is to
> install and configure. if it can be done as good as with a plugin, ok.

I am pretty sure that copying two files and answering a few questions is easy 
enough ;-) 
That is, I admit, not including the installation of Perl or LWP::Simple, which 
would add another
apt-get install libwww-perl
on Debian. Much more trouble of course on an embedded system.

> > > when i start cutting
> > > a movie it should try to get the marks from the server (or it should
> > > allready have read them) transparently.
> >
> > You can automate the download via a cronjob or something, we are
> > currently discussing this for release 0.2 (also an offline solution).
> that is another dependency. 
It is not depending on cron, it is just if you want to have a timed download 
of marks, that cron would be an easy solution. 
BTW, how would you do that with a plugin? Either you write your personal 
version of something cron-like, or you are dependent on external tools. 

> many people run theire vdr in an embedded
> environment, compact flash, nfsroot a.s.o. - they may have to
> change/update their setup, what lets them think twice befor contributing
> to the shared marks db.
Sure, I agree completely. But there are also a lot of users running Gentoo, 
SuSE, Debian,  Debian ala c't, Mandrake, RedHat.... If we could get some of 
them to contribute, we would have plenty of marks...
> > > another drawback of the current solution is the perl dependency -
> > > for me this is a real showstopper. :(
> >
> > Sorry about this, but since Perl is the only language I know, it is
> > likely to be Perl.
> time to learn a real programing language! ;-) SCNR
No comment ;-)
> anyway. from my experience, the less dependent from libs/interpreters a
> program is the more likly it will get installed and tested. this is even
> more important for projects in an early devel stage. but maybe i'm
> just paranoid and everybody has perl, LWP::Simple, cron, ... on his vdr
> anyway.
Maybe , maybe not ;-)

As with all free projects, it is an invitation, so let's see how many people 
turn up for the party... (928 marks in April until now, 62 yesterday and 32 
today - not enough, but a start...)

> in a few weeks, when hundred people are allready using your solution and
> it has matured to a "must have", i may even take the time and install
> all components. :o)

I am looking forward to that :-)

> good luck & best regards ...

Thanks & cheers


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