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[vdr] Re: lirc and vdr

Tony Grant wrote:
OK I rtfm

having used the keyboard up till now I did:

cd VDR
make clean

I have /etc/lircd.conf which is the config file for my Thomson ROC 340
mode2 shows that the receiver receives...

Now where is the doc (in English) that tells me how to connect Lirc and
VDR please. Google results for lirc and vdr are mostly in German
Hi Tony,

If lircd is started and your remote.conf is clean, VDR will ask you to define the keys for various functions,ie remote learning mode. You probably did this the fisrt time your VDR started ( along while ago...)

Did you check your logfiles for lircd and vdr to check for possible problems? Sometime lirc have issues with the permissions of the ir device.


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