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[vdr] Re: How to debug recordings menu problems

Clemens Kirchgatterer wrote:

"Andreas Breitenbach" <> wrote:

BTW, I dropped ReiserFS for storarge of my more than 1 TB of
recordings because I lost data several times after system crashes. I
never lost data with ext3.
I have similar experiences with ReiserFS.
reiserfs has been reported for losing data in the past often. it is
claimed, that these bugs are fixed, but who is gonne to trust it again,
if he allready burned his fingers?
I never experienced data loss with ReiserFS. Maybe I have those latest releases, or I'm lucky. I rely on ReiserFS for mission-critical servers at work (they do not ever crash, though... but one was many times hardly rebooted, without any problem), and for my home server, which experienced many unexpected power-off, without any data loss...
I use standard ReiserFS from Debian Woody : not quite new either.


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