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[vdr] Re: Vdr and DVI-out + 5.1 AC-3


˙so-8859-1?B?SORt5GzkaW5lbiBKb3Jp?˙> wrote:
Xine is a nice option but it don't support FF&REW. But Xine supports HDTV >>so you can play with HDTV signal on Astra.

That's nolonger true. Just have a look at the latest release 0.2.1.
I tested it yesterday and it didn't work. Or it did partially.

When I rewinded a recording screen freezed. But after stopping a rewind and pressing I-key in Xine (deinterlace on/off) the screen updated to place rewind stopped, and playback continued from the place rewind took me.

The I-key is not probably the only key to 'unfreeze' video, I think Xine-UI just needs some input-IO. If I pressed the key during rewind whole Xine freezed.

Xine-lib version: xine-lib-1-rc3a
Xine-ui version: xine-ui-0.9.23

Has the input-plugin patch changed from previous versions? I didn't see any note about that so my xine-lib patch is vdr-xine-0.1.1 (or what was the version before 0.2.0).
Yes, it has changed. Strange, how it works so good, though.

Please try again and tell me, whether it works.

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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