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[vdr] Softmpeg and Softdevice problems with Vdr-1.3.6 and DirectFB Matrox G450

Hi All!!
I trying to use softmpeg(latest CVS from DirectFB) or softdevice(0.0.5)
plugins  with my system, Gentoo Pentium III 1Ghz, kernel 2.4.25,
   with a Matrox G450 DualHead and VDR-1.3.6-elchi and akool patches. I
currently using mplayer with -vo dfbmga (DirectFB-0.9.21), RGB Scart Tv
out -  PAL.
 Mplayer replay any kind of video with this driver very well . 
 Then trying to get a decent vdr out ,  I install the related vdr plugins
 with not errors.But I not obtain any result
I observe that when I start mplayer the first time , when the video finish
or I closed it,  the black screen of the tv become jerkly, maybe a refresh

Trying to start vdr ( vdr -Psoftmpeg ) I Obtain in some ocations a blue
screen, or a jerkly image where I can see VDR prompt waiting for init lirc
keyword wizard or any rare image ..

This is the OUT ..


vdr root # vdr -Psoftmpeg
[softmpeg] initializing Plugin
[softmpeg] cSoftMPEG
(*) DirectFB/Config: Parsing config file '/etc/directfbrc'.

       ---------------------- DirectFB v0.9.21 ---------------------
             (c) 2000-2002  convergence integrated media GmbH  
             (c) 2002-2004  convergence GmbH                   

(*) DirectFB/Core: Multi Application Core. (with MMX support) (2004-05-10
(*) Direct/Memcpy: Using MMXEXT optimized memcpy()
(*) Direct/Thread: Running 'Fusion Dispatch' (MESSAGING, 4466)...
(!) DirectFB/LIRC: connect    --> Connection refused
(*) Direct/Thread: Running 'Keyboard Input' (INPUT, 4472)...
(*) DirectFB/Input: Keyboard 0.9 (convergence integrated media GmbH)
(*) DirectFB/Genefx: MMX detected and enabled
(*) DirectFB/Graphics: Matrox G450 0.7 (convergence integrated media GmbH)
 (!!!)  *** WARNING [no video mode set yet] *** [layers.c:536 in dfb_screen_rectangle()]
using videolayer
{-} [ 4456:   0.000] SoftMPEG/init/setting up DirectFB: layer_id:1 window_id:-1
 (!!!)  *** WARNING [no video mode set yet] *** [layers.c:536 in dfb_screen_rectangle()]
{-} [ 4456:   0.009] SoftMPEG/init/using layer configuration for video output
via DirectFB
{!} [ 4456:   0.010] SoftMPEG - ERROR in video_decoder_create at video.c:111:
{!} [ 4456:   0.010] SoftMPEG - ERROR in video_decoder_create at video.c:112:
 * your vertical refresh rate is  62 Hz, while 50 Hz is   * 
{!} [ 4456:   0.010] SoftMPEG - ERROR in video_decoder_create at video.c:113:
 * the natural refresh rate of the video material. have a * 
{!} [ 4456:   0.010] SoftMPEG - ERROR in video_decoder_create at video.c:114:
 * look at the docs to learn to set a correct fb mode.    * 
{!} [ 4456:   0.010] SoftMPEG - ERROR in video_decoder_create at video.c:115:
 * libsoftmpeg does it's best to assure a/v sync anyway   * 
{!} [ 4456:   0.010] SoftMPEG - ERROR in video_decoder_create at video.c:116:
 * but don't complain about jerky video now! ;-)          * 
{!} [ 4456:   0.010] SoftMPEG - ERROR in video_decoder_create at video.c:117:
(*) Direct/Interface: Loaded 'default' implementation of 'IFusionSound'.
(*) Direct/Thread: Running 'Sound Mixer' (CRITICAL, 4477)...
[softmpeg] NewOsd()
[softmpeg] OSD @ 54 x 45
[softmpeg] OpenWindow(), handle:0, x:0, y:0, w:624, h:27
[softmpeg] OpenWindow(), handle:1, x:0, y:27, w:624, h:405
[softmpeg] OpenWindow(), handle:2, x:0, y:432, w:624, h:54
[softmpeg] ShowWindow(), 0
[softmpeg] ShowWindow(), 1
[softmpeg] ShowWindow(), 2


With vdr -Psoftdevice a similar problem

vdr root # vdr -Psoftdevice      
[softdevice] initializing Plugin
[softdevice] Initializing Video Out
[dfb] init
(*) DirectFB/Config: Parsing config file '/etc/directfbrc'.

       ---------------------- DirectFB v0.9.21 ---------------------
             (c) 2000-2002  convergence integrated media GmbH  
             (c) 2002-2004  convergence GmbH                   

(*) DirectFB/Core: Multi Application Core. (with MMX support) (2004-05-10
(*) Direct/Memcpy: Using MMXEXT optimized memcpy()
(*) Direct/Thread: Running 'Fusion Dispatch' (MESSAGING, 4574)...
(*) Direct/Thread: Running 'Keyboard Input' (INPUT, 4579)...
(*) DirectFB/Input: Keyboard 0.9 (convergence integrated media GmbH)
(*) DirectFB/Genefx: MMX detected and enabled
(*) DirectFB/Graphics: Matrox G450 0.7 (convergence integrated media GmbH)
 (!!!)  *** WARNING [no video mode set yet] *** [layers.c:536 in dfb_screen_rectangle()]
 (!!!)  *** WARNING [no video mode set yet] *** [layers.c:536 in dfb_screen_rectangle()]
[dfb] RAM: 33554432 bytes
[dfb] Accellerated Functions: FillRectange DrawRectange DrawLine FillTriangle
Blit StretchBlit All 

[dfb] Drawing Flags: Blend 

[dfb] Surface Blitting Flags: BlendAlpha BlendColorAlpha Colorize SrcColorkey

[dfb] Setting  Videomode to 768x576-32
[dfb] This didn't work. Trying Videomode 1024x768-32
[dfb] This Vidmode doen't work, too. Exiting...
 (!!!)  *** WARNING [Application exited without deinitialization of DirectFB!]
*** [core.c:623 in dfb_core_deinit_check()]
vdr root # 

This out have some errors cause a /etc/directfbrc changes 

I see the plugin that  try to change videomode to 768x576-32 or 1024X768-32
and I don?t have this settings in my /etc/fb.modes

I think that is a fb mode settigs resolution and refresh problem...
This is my dmesg out ?

matroxfb: Matrox G450 detected
matroxfb: MTRR's turned on
matroxfb: 640x480x8bpp (virtual: 640x26214)
matroxfb: framebuffer at 0xD4000000, mapped to 0xd8adb000, size 33554432
Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 80x30
fb0: MATROX VGA frame buffer device
matroxfb_crtc2: secondary head of fb0 was registered as fb1

vdr root # fbset -i

mode "640x480-60"
    # D: 25.176 MHz, H: 31.469 kHz, V: 59.942 Hz
    geometry 640 480 640 26214 8
    timings 39721 48 16 33 10 96 2
    hsync high
    accel true
    rgba 8/0,8/0,8/0,0/0

Frame buffer device information:
    Name        : MATROX
    Address     : 0xd4000000
    Size        : 33554432
    Type        : PACKED PIXELS
    Visual      : PSEUDOCOLOR
    XPanStep    : 8
    YPanStep    : 1
    YWrapStep   : 0
    LineLength  : 640
    MMIO Address: 0xd6000000
    MMIO Size   : 16384
    Accelerator : Matrox G400
vdr root #

vdr root # less /etc/directfbrc
#disable-module = linux_input


A part of my /etc/fb.modes

#   DirectFB video modes, should be placed into "/etc"
mode "720x576-50Hz-32bit"
    # D: 30.274 MHz, H: 37.701 kHz, V: 50.001 Hz
    geometry 720 576 736 576 32
    timings 33032 30 5 110 55 48 13
    vsync high
    bcast true
    accel true
    rgba 8/16,8/8,8/0,8/24

mode "720x576 50Hz 16bit"
    geometry 720 576 720 576 16
    timings 31208 144 40 32 10 128 3

If I try to set a mode with fbset ...

vdr root # fbset -a "720x576-50Hz-32bit"
/etc/fb.modes:11: syntax error
vdr root # 

vdr root # fbset -fb /dev/fb1 -a "720x576 50Hz 16bit"
/etc/fb.modes:11: syntax error
vdr root # 

Of course I?m a newbie but I don?know what is wrong .. maybe someone can
helpme ??

Félix A.A.

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