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[vdr] Re: vdr perform an emergency exit when recording encrypted channels wrote:
> Hi
> I observed that vdr sistematically perform an emergency exit when the
> following conditions are met :
> 1) The vdr is starting up
> 2) There is a timer active (and to be immediately started) on an encrypted
> channel
> 3) There is no subscription active for the channel to bve recorded
> this happen to on FTA channels that are occasionally scrambled, and on PPV
> channels with events not bought.
> If this is not a bug, could be a better solution to suspend or postpone
> the recording instead of exiting vdr ?

And how do you think VDR should know whether this is not a driver failure?

Why don't you just _not_ program timers for programmes that you can't
receive, anyway?

Ok, there's one thing that could be done: VDR could touch some log file
whenever it does an emergency exit, and does the next emergency exit only
after some time has passed since the last one (like, say, 10 minutes by
default). Would that help?


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