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[vdr] Re: vdr perform an emergency exit when recording encrypted channels

Hi Klaus,

Klaus Schmidinger schrieb:

Why don't you just _not_ program timers for programmes that you can't
receive, anyway?
I think, it could happen, if you programm a free transmission, which is preceeded be an encoded transmission. And give the usual five to ten minutes pre.

Ok, there's one thing that could be done: VDR could touch some log file
whenever it does an emergency exit, and does the next emergency exit only
after some time has passed since the last one (like, say, 10 minutes by
default). Would that help?
Wouldn't it be better, to set only this recording to 'don't induce an additional abort whithin the next ten minutes'? I fear, there could be situations, where more than one restart is necessary within ten minutes.


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