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[vdr] [ANNOUNCE] vdr-xine-0.3.0 plugin


I'm pleased to announce release 0.2.2:

2004-05-21: Version 0.3.0

- Changed code sequence to follow the C language properly (reported by
  Jouni Karvo).
- Updated finnish translation and added empty russion translations while
  maintaining compatibility to VDR 1.2.x (reported by Rolf Ahrenberg).
- Dropped (later maybe configurable) sending MUTE to xine, as it's not
  really necessary for normal operation of VDR (requested by Jouni Karvo).
- Fixed sending dolby audio to xine (requires uptodate xine-lib CVS).
- Added support for VDR-1.3.7's new OSD interface.
- Integrated patch of Simon Truss to send keystrokes from xine to VDR
  for controlling VDR from within xine.
- Enhanced compatibility of xine part to support xine's older API for
  VIA-enhanced xine (thanks to Vincenzo Memeo).


Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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