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[vdr] Re: partly OT: english VDR-Discussion Board?


Am 04.06.2004 um 09:26 schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:
I find the mailing list a lot better for handling development, because
I can manage messages in my VDR folders locally. Bug reports or feature
requests posted on often go past me because I don't have
copies in my "inbox" that I can mark as VDR related.
O.k., I mixed up two things:
- I think no one expects you to read all users questions and problems... and "users helping users" is what the english board should be about (at least I think so). It should be clear that dev-stuff and bug-reports about VDR have to appear in the ML - that's one of the points mentioned in the posted thread.

- I think FAQs and some installation-troubleshooting could be done by a more frequented board, too. There are enough users not feeling too save in coding but being able to help others with basic problems. O.k., no need to write that...

But one problem still is unsolved: some plugins / addons and patches are developped by users of the vdr-portal and discussed only there (in german). Maybe an english board would be the first step to include some of the english-speaking coders here - and - as a second step - have the basic dev discussion here.

btw Klaus:
The GLCD Plugin has changed its maintainer (Andreas Regel took the part of Carsten Siebholz). The new project-page is:
(there is a hidden link on the old site...)
So, if you're felling like you need to do a minor update of your site and you don't know what to change...

best regards from Berlin,


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