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[vdr] Re: VDR 1.3.11 crashes with games plugin 0.6.1

Trois Six <> wrote:

> > How do I debug the plugin/provide more useful information?

start vdr in gdb and provide a backtrace.

gdb ./vdr

r -Pgames (put your other options here)

after the crash type:


> > I didn't find the tarball of version 0.6.1 anywhere in the net again
> > and I didn't note where I got it from. Seems to be no official
> > release.

if you got it from (new site) or (the old one), then
it's the official release, but i have not tested it myself.

> I have the same problem here on a Debian, I could not use the game 
> plugin since VDR 1.3.6 and games 0.6.0. I know that it works with a 
> woody but it doesn't work with a sarge or a sid... I think that there
> is a new lib that breaks everything ?

as i do not use debian, i'm a bit lost without help from debian users.
patches are, as usual, welcome.

best regards ...

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