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[vdr] [PATCH] vdrc-0.0.8 for VDR-1.3.x


This is a patch to make vdrc-0.0.8 work with newer vdr-1.3.x (tested
with 1.3.12).

The plugin seems to work, but I could not checked it against the
original version because of the lack of a vdr-1.2.x installation so I
don't know whether it is behaving like the original or not.

The changes are mainly OSD interface related, and I can not say that I
really understood what I was doing, so take this patch with a grain of salt.


Index: filewnd.c
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/vdr/vdr/PLUGINS/src/vdrc/filewnd.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 -r1.3
--- filewnd.c	13 Aug 2004 16:01:51 -0000
+++ filewnd.c	14 Aug 2004 08:31:05 -0000	1.3
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-cFileWnd::cFileWnd(cOsdBase *osd, int x, int y, int width, int height, const char *folder)
+cFileWnd::cFileWnd(cOsd *osd, int x, int y, int width, int height, const char *folder)
     pOSD	= osd;
     iX		= x;		// OSD x
@@ -187,22 +187,22 @@
 	m_iCurrentElem = iMaxElem - m_iTopElem;
-void cFileWnd::DrawText(int x, int y, const char *s, eDvbColor ColorFg, eDvbColor ColorBg)
+void cFileWnd::DrawText(int x, int y, const char *s, tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBg)
     if (x < iWidth && y < iHeight)
-	pOSD->Text((iX + x) * charWidth + 2, (iY + y) * lineHeight, s, ColorFg, ColorBg);
+	pOSD->DrawText((iX + x) * charWidth + 2, (iY + y) * lineHeight, s, ColorFg, ColorBg, cFont::GetFont(fontOsd));
 void cFileWnd::Draw()
     // Clear Title
-    pOSD->Fill(iX * charWidth, iY * lineHeight,
+    pOSD->DrawRectangle(iX * charWidth, iY * lineHeight,
 		(iX + iWidth) * charWidth, (iY + 1) * lineHeight,
     //Clear Panel
-    pOSD->Fill(iX * charWidth, (iY + 1) * lineHeight,
+    pOSD->DrawRectangle(iX * charWidth, (iY + 1) * lineHeight,
 		(iX + iWidth) * charWidth, (iY + iHeight) * lineHeight,
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
 	if (i == (m_iCurrentElem + m_iTopElem) && m_bActive)
-    	    pOSD->Fill((iX + x) * charWidth, (iY + y) * lineHeight, (iX + iWidth) * charWidth - 2, (iY + y + 1) * lineHeight - 1, clrCyan);
+    	    pOSD->DrawRectangle((iX + x) * charWidth, (iY + y) * lineHeight, (iX + iWidth) * charWidth - 2, (iY + y + 1) * lineHeight - 1, clrCyan);
 	    DrawText(x, y, s, clr_vdrc_item_sel, clr_vdrc_item_sel_bk);
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
 //    dsyslog("VDRC: ReadActiveDir");    
     for (int i = 0; i < (int) strlen(sFA); i++)
-	asprintf(&sCMD, "find \"%s\" -follow -type %c -maxdepth 1 | sort -df", m_sFolder, sFA[i]);
+	asprintf(&sCMD, "find \"%s\" -follow -type %c -maxdepth 1 2>/dev/null | sort -df", m_sFolder, sFA[i]);
 	FILE *fl = popen(sCMD, "r");
 	if (fl)
Index: filewnd.h
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/vdr/vdr/PLUGINS/src/vdrc/filewnd.h,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2
--- filewnd.h	13 Aug 2004 16:01:51 -0000
+++ filewnd.h	14 Aug 2004 08:11:32 -0000	1.2
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 class cFileWnd
-    cOsdBase *pOSD;
+    cOsd *pOSD;
     int iX;
     int iY;
     int iWidth;
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@
     void DrawDirItems();
     void DrawTitle();
-    void DrawText(int x, int y, const char *s, eDvbColor ColorFg, eDvbColor ColorBg);
+    void DrawText(int x, int y, const char *s, tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBg);
     bool ReadActiveDir();
-    cFileWnd(cOsdBase *osd, int x, int y, int width, int height, const char *folder);
+    cFileWnd(cOsd *osd, int x, int y, int width, int height, const char *folder);
     void Draw();
     void SetActive(bool bActive = true);
Index: functhread.c
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/vdr/vdr/PLUGINS/src/vdrc/functhread.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2
--- functhread.c	13 Aug 2004 16:01:51 -0000
+++ functhread.c	14 Aug 2004 08:12:10 -0000	1.2
@@ -1,316 +1,316 @@
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-#include <utime.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "functhread.h"
-cFuncThread::cFuncThread(cOsdBase *pStatusOSD, const char *sFromFile, const char *sToFile, int iFunction, int *piReturn)
-    m_sFromFile = strdup(sFromFile);
-    m_sToFile   = strdup(sToFile);
-    m_iProgressBarVal = -1;
-    m_iFunction = iFunction;
-    m_piReturn   = piReturn;
-    SetReturn(-1);
-    pOSD = pStatusOSD;
-    Start();
-void cFuncThread::SetReturn(int iValue)
-    if ( m_piReturn )
-	*m_piReturn = iValue;
-void cFuncThread::Action(void)
-    dsyslog("VDRC: function thread started (pid=%d)", getpid());
-    switch(m_iFunction)
-    {
-	case func_copy_file:
-		if ( Copy_File_File(m_sFromFile, m_sToFile) )
-			SetReturn(0);
-		break;
-	case func_copy_dir:
-		if ( Copy_Dir_Dir(m_sFromFile, m_sToFile) )
-			SetReturn(0);
-		break;
-	case func_delete_dir:
-		if ( Erase_Recursive(m_sFromFile) )
-			SetReturn(0);
-		break;
-    }
-    dsyslog("VDRC: end function thread");
-    Cancel(0);
-    delete m_sFromFile;
-    delete m_sToFile;
-bool cFuncThread::Copy_File_File(char *sSrc, char *sDest)
-    bool bReturn = false;
-    int fSource = 0;
-    int fDest   = 0;
-    struct stat stFile;
-    if ( (fSource = open(sSrc, O_RDONLY)) > 0) // | O_LINEAR)) > 0)
-    {
-        int iBufSize = 8192; // Buffer Size 8K
-	uid_t uidSrc = (uid_t) -1;
-	uid_t gidSrc = (gid_t) -1;
-	int   modeSrc = 0;
-	struct utimbuf tmSrc;
-	fstat(fSource, &stFile);
-	// Get Data for CHOWN
-	uidSrc		= stFile.st_uid;
-	gidSrc		= stFile.st_gid;
-	// Get Data for CHMOD
-	modeSrc		= stFile.st_mode;
-	// Get Time Data
-	tmSrc.actime	= stFile.st_atime;
-	tmSrc.modtime	= stFile.st_mtime;
-//	dsyslog("VDRC: File Size %d", (int) stFile.st_size);
-	if ( (fDest = open(sDest, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600) ) > 0)
-	{
-	    char *sBuf;
-	    int iReadBytes  = 1;
-	    int iWriteBytes = 0;
-	    int iAllReadBytes = 0;
-	    int iFileSize;
-	    sBuf = (char *) malloc(iBufSize);
-	    iFileSize = stFile.st_size / 1024;
-	    ProgressBar(0, iFileSize);
-	    while (iReadBytes > 0)
-	    {
-		iReadBytes = read(fSource, sBuf, iBufSize);
-		if (iReadBytes > 0)
-		{
-		    ProgressBar((iAllReadBytes / 1024), iFileSize);
-		    iWriteBytes = write(fDest, sBuf, iReadBytes);
-		    iAllReadBytes += iReadBytes;
-		}
-	    }
-	    close(fDest);
-	    if ( chown(sDest, uidSrc, gidSrc) == 0 )
-		if ( chmod(sDest, modeSrc) == 0 )
-		    utime(sDest, &tmSrc);
-	    free(sBuf);
-	    bReturn = true;
-	}
-	close(fSource);
-    }
-    return bReturn;
-char *cFuncThread::MakeFileWithPath(char *sPath, char *sFile)
-    char *sRet = NULL;
-    if (strlen(sPath) > 1)
-	asprintf(&sRet, "%s/%s", sPath, sFile);
-    else
-	asprintf(&sRet, "%s%s", sPath, sFile);
-    return sRet;
-bool cFuncThread::Erase_Recursive(char* sPath)
-    bool		bReturn = false;
-    DIR			*dDir;
-    struct dirent	*stDir;
-    dDir = opendir(sPath);
-    if (dDir)
-    {
-	bool bNoError = true;
-	while ( (stDir = readdir(dDir)) && bNoError)
-	{
-	    struct stat statFile;
-	    if ( strcmp(stDir->d_name, ".")  == 0 ||
-		 strcmp(stDir->d_name, "..") == 0 )
-		 continue;
-	    char *sFullFile = MakeFileWithPath(sPath, stDir->d_name);
-	    bNoError = (lstat(sFullFile, &statFile) == 0);
-	    if (bNoError)
-	    {
-		if ( S_ISDIR(statFile.st_mode) )
-		    bNoError = Erase_Recursive(sFullFile);
-		else
-		{
-		    bNoError = ( unlink(sFullFile) == 0 );
-//		    dsyslog("vdrc: delete rec file \"%s\"", sFullFile);
-		}
-	    }
-	    if (sFullFile)
-		free(sFullFile);
-	}
-	if (bNoError)
-	{
-	    closedir(dDir);
-	    bNoError = (rmdir(sPath) == 0);
-//	    dsyslog("vdrc: delete rec dir \"%s\"", sPath);
-	}
-	if (bNoError)
-	    bReturn = true;
-    }
-    return bReturn;
-bool cFuncThread::Copy_Dir_Dir(char *sSrc, char *sDest)
-    bool bReturn = false;
-    struct stat stSrcFile;
-    struct stat stDestFile;
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <utime.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "functhread.h"
+cFuncThread::cFuncThread(cOsd *pStatusOSD, const char *sFromFile, const char *sToFile, int iFunction, int *piReturn)
+    m_sFromFile = strdup(sFromFile);
+    m_sToFile   = strdup(sToFile);
+    m_iProgressBarVal = -1;
+    m_iFunction = iFunction;
+    m_piReturn   = piReturn;
+    SetReturn(-1);
+    pOSD = pStatusOSD;
+    Start();
+void cFuncThread::SetReturn(int iValue)
+    if ( m_piReturn )
+	*m_piReturn = iValue;
+void cFuncThread::Action(void)
+    dsyslog("VDRC: function thread started (pid=%d)", getpid());
+    switch(m_iFunction)
+    {
+	case func_copy_file:
+		if ( Copy_File_File(m_sFromFile, m_sToFile) )
+			SetReturn(0);
+		break;
+	case func_copy_dir:
+		if ( Copy_Dir_Dir(m_sFromFile, m_sToFile) )
+			SetReturn(0);
+		break;
+	case func_delete_dir:
+		if ( Erase_Recursive(m_sFromFile) )
+			SetReturn(0);
+		break;
+    }
+    dsyslog("VDRC: end function thread");
+    Cancel(0);
+    delete m_sFromFile;
+    delete m_sToFile;
+bool cFuncThread::Copy_File_File(char *sSrc, char *sDest)
+    bool bReturn = false;
+    int fSource = 0;
+    int fDest   = 0;
+    struct stat stFile;
+    if ( (fSource = open(sSrc, O_RDONLY)) > 0) // | O_LINEAR)) > 0)
+    {
+        int iBufSize = 8192; // Buffer Size 8K
+	uid_t uidSrc = (uid_t) -1;
+	uid_t gidSrc = (gid_t) -1;
+	int   modeSrc = 0;
+	struct utimbuf tmSrc;
+	fstat(fSource, &stFile);
+	// Get Data for CHOWN
+	uidSrc		= stFile.st_uid;
+	gidSrc		= stFile.st_gid;
+	// Get Data for CHMOD
+	modeSrc		= stFile.st_mode;
+	// Get Time Data
+	tmSrc.actime	= stFile.st_atime;
+	tmSrc.modtime	= stFile.st_mtime;
+//	dsyslog("VDRC: File Size %d", (int) stFile.st_size);
+	if ( (fDest = open(sDest, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600) ) > 0)
+	{
+	    char *sBuf;
+	    int iReadBytes  = 1;
+	    int iWriteBytes = 0;
+	    int iAllReadBytes = 0;
+	    int iFileSize;
+	    sBuf = (char *) malloc(iBufSize);
+	    iFileSize = stFile.st_size / 1024;
+	    ProgressBar(0, iFileSize);
+	    while (iReadBytes > 0)
+	    {
+		iReadBytes = read(fSource, sBuf, iBufSize);
+		if (iReadBytes > 0)
+		{
+		    ProgressBar((iAllReadBytes / 1024), iFileSize);
+		    iWriteBytes = write(fDest, sBuf, iReadBytes);
+		    iAllReadBytes += iReadBytes;
+		}
+	    }
+	    close(fDest);
+	    if ( chown(sDest, uidSrc, gidSrc) == 0 )
+		if ( chmod(sDest, modeSrc) == 0 )
+		    utime(sDest, &tmSrc);
+	    free(sBuf);
+	    bReturn = true;
+	}
+	close(fSource);
+    }
+    return bReturn;
+char *cFuncThread::MakeFileWithPath(char *sPath, char *sFile)
+    char *sRet = NULL;
+    if (strlen(sPath) > 1)
+	asprintf(&sRet, "%s/%s", sPath, sFile);
+    else
+	asprintf(&sRet, "%s%s", sPath, sFile);
+    return sRet;
+bool cFuncThread::Erase_Recursive(char* sPath)
+    bool		bReturn = false;
+    DIR			*dDir;
+    struct dirent	*stDir;
+    dDir = opendir(sPath);
+    if (dDir)
+    {
+	bool bNoError = true;
+	while ( (stDir = readdir(dDir)) && bNoError)
+	{
+	    struct stat statFile;
+	    if ( strcmp(stDir->d_name, ".")  == 0 ||
+		 strcmp(stDir->d_name, "..") == 0 )
+		 continue;
+	    char *sFullFile = MakeFileWithPath(sPath, stDir->d_name);
+	    bNoError = (lstat(sFullFile, &statFile) == 0);
+	    if (bNoError)
+	    {
+		if ( S_ISDIR(statFile.st_mode) )
+		    bNoError = Erase_Recursive(sFullFile);
+		else
+		{
+		    bNoError = ( unlink(sFullFile) == 0 );
+//		    dsyslog("vdrc: delete rec file \"%s\"", sFullFile);
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (sFullFile)
+		free(sFullFile);
+	}
+	if (bNoError)
+	{
+	    closedir(dDir);
+	    bNoError = (rmdir(sPath) == 0);
+//	    dsyslog("vdrc: delete rec dir \"%s\"", sPath);
+	}
+	if (bNoError)
+	    bReturn = true;
+    }
+    return bReturn;
+bool cFuncThread::Copy_Dir_Dir(char *sSrc, char *sDest)
+    bool bReturn = false;
+    struct stat stSrcFile;
+    struct stat stDestFile;
     char *sD1;
     char *sD2;
     asprintf(&sD1, "%s/", sSrc);
     asprintf(&sD2, "%s/", sDest);
     if (strncasecmp(sD2, sD1, strlen(sD1)) != 0)
-        if ( lstat(sSrc, &stSrcFile) == 0 && S_ISDIR(stSrcFile.st_mode) )
-	{
-		bool bNoError = true;
-		bool bCreated = ( lstat(sDest, &stDestFile) == 0);
-		struct utimbuf tmSrc;
-		// Get Time Data
-		tmSrc.actime	= stSrcFile.st_atime;
-		tmSrc.modtime	= stSrcFile.st_mtime;
-		if ( !bCreated || S_ISDIR(stDestFile.st_mode) )
-		{
-			DIR		*dDir;
-			struct dirent	*stDir;
-			if (!bCreated)
-			{
-				bNoError = ( mkdir(sDest, stSrcFile.st_mode) == 0 );
-				if (bNoError)
-					bNoError = ( chown(sDest, stSrcFile.st_uid, stSrcFile.st_gid) == 0 );
-//				dsyslog("vdrc: copy rec make dir \"%s\"", sDest);
-			}
-			if (bNoError)
-			{    
-				dDir = opendir(sSrc);
-				if (dDir)
-				{
-					while ( (stDir = readdir(dDir)) && bNoError)
-					{
-						struct stat statFile;
-						if ( strcmp(stDir->d_name, ".")  == 0 ||
-							strcmp(stDir->d_name, "..") == 0 )
-							continue;
-						char *sSrcFullFile  = MakeFileWithPath(sSrc, stDir->d_name);
-						char *sDestFullFile = MakeFileWithPath(sDest, stDir->d_name);
-						bNoError = (lstat(sSrcFullFile, &statFile) == 0);
-						if (bNoError)
-						{
-							if ( S_ISDIR(statFile.st_mode) )
-								bNoError = Copy_Dir_Dir(sSrcFullFile, sDestFullFile);
-							else
-							{
-								bNoError = Copy_File_File(sSrcFullFile, sDestFullFile);
-//								dsyslog("vdrc: copy rec file \"%s\" to \"%s\"", sSrcFullFile, sDestFullFile);
-							}
-						}
-						if (sSrcFullFile)
-							free(sSrcFullFile);
-						if (sDestFullFile)
-							free(sDestFullFile);
-					}
-					closedir(dDir);
-				}
-			}
-	    		bNoError = ( chmod(sDest, stSrcFile.st_mode) == 0 );
-			if (bNoError)
-				bNoError = ( utime(sDest, &tmSrc) == 0 );
-		}
-		else
+        if ( lstat(sSrc, &stSrcFile) == 0 && S_ISDIR(stSrcFile.st_mode) )
+	{
+		bool bNoError = true;
+		bool bCreated = ( lstat(sDest, &stDestFile) == 0);
+		struct utimbuf tmSrc;
+		// Get Time Data
+		tmSrc.actime	= stSrcFile.st_atime;
+		tmSrc.modtime	= stSrcFile.st_mtime;
+		if ( !bCreated || S_ISDIR(stDestFile.st_mode) )
+		{
+			DIR		*dDir;
+			struct dirent	*stDir;
+			if (!bCreated)
+			{
+				bNoError = ( mkdir(sDest, stSrcFile.st_mode) == 0 );
+				if (bNoError)
+					bNoError = ( chown(sDest, stSrcFile.st_uid, stSrcFile.st_gid) == 0 );
+//				dsyslog("vdrc: copy rec make dir \"%s\"", sDest);
+			}
+			if (bNoError)
+			{    
+				dDir = opendir(sSrc);
+				if (dDir)
+				{
+					while ( (stDir = readdir(dDir)) && bNoError)
+					{
+						struct stat statFile;
+						if ( strcmp(stDir->d_name, ".")  == 0 ||
+							strcmp(stDir->d_name, "..") == 0 )
+							continue;
+						char *sSrcFullFile  = MakeFileWithPath(sSrc, stDir->d_name);
+						char *sDestFullFile = MakeFileWithPath(sDest, stDir->d_name);
+						bNoError = (lstat(sSrcFullFile, &statFile) == 0);
+						if (bNoError)
+						{
+							if ( S_ISDIR(statFile.st_mode) )
+								bNoError = Copy_Dir_Dir(sSrcFullFile, sDestFullFile);
+							else
+							{
+								bNoError = Copy_File_File(sSrcFullFile, sDestFullFile);
+//								dsyslog("vdrc: copy rec file \"%s\" to \"%s\"", sSrcFullFile, sDestFullFile);
+							}
+						}
+						if (sSrcFullFile)
+							free(sSrcFullFile);
+						if (sDestFullFile)
+							free(sDestFullFile);
+					}
+					closedir(dDir);
+				}
+			}
+	    		bNoError = ( chmod(sDest, stSrcFile.st_mode) == 0 );
+			if (bNoError)
+				bNoError = ( utime(sDest, &tmSrc) == 0 );
+		}
+		else
 		    if (bCreated)
 			dsyslog("Error copy Dir on File");
-		    bNoError = false;
+		    bNoError = false;
 		if (bNoError)
 		    bReturn = true;
-	}
+	}
+    }
 	dsyslog("Error copy Parent into Child");
-    return bReturn;
-void cFuncThread::ProgressBar(int Current, int Total)
-    if (Total > 0)
-    {
-	int Width = (Setup.OSDwidth * charWidth);
-	int y  = ((Setup.OSDheight - 1)* lineHeight);
-	int y1 = ((Setup.OSDheight)* lineHeight);
-	long p = Current * Width / Total;
-	if (p != m_iProgressBarVal && (p % 16 == 0))
-	{
-	    pOSD->Fill(m_iProgressBarVal + 0, y, p, y1, clr_vdrc_pbar);
-	    pOSD->Fill(p + 1, y, Width, y1, clr_vdrc_pbar_bk);
-	    pOSD->Flush();
-	    m_iProgressBarVal = p;
-	}
-    }
+    return bReturn;
+void cFuncThread::ProgressBar(int Current, int Total)
+    if (Total > 0)
+    {
+	int Width = (Setup.OSDWidth * charWidth);
+	int y  = ((Setup.OSDHeight - 1)* lineHeight);
+	int y1 = ((Setup.OSDHeight)* lineHeight);
+	long p = Current * Width / Total;
+	if (p != m_iProgressBarVal && (p % 16 == 0))
+	{
+            pOSD->DrawRectangle(m_iProgressBarVal + 0, y, p, y1, clr_vdrc_pbar);
+            pOSD->DrawRectangle(p + 1, y, Width, y1, clr_vdrc_pbar_bk);
+	    pOSD->Flush();
+	    m_iProgressBarVal = p;
+	}
+    }
Index: functhread.h
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/vdr/vdr/PLUGINS/src/vdrc/functhread.h,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 -r1.3
--- functhread.h	13 Aug 2004 16:01:51 -0000
+++ functhread.h	14 Aug 2004 08:57:47 -0000	1.3
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
- * functhread.h: Functions Thread
- *
- */
-#ifndef _FUNCTHREAD__H
-#define _FUNCTHREAD__H
-#include <vdr/plugin.h>
-#include "global.h"
-class cFuncThread : public cThread
-    char *m_sFromFile;
-    char *m_sToFile;
-    int  m_iProgressBarVal;
-    int  m_iFunction;
-    int  *m_piReturn;
-    cOsdBase	*pOSD;				// OSD Object
-    virtual void Action(void);
-    bool Copy_File_File(char *sSrc, char *sDest);
-    bool Copy_Dir_Dir(char *sSrc, char *sDest)
-    char *MakeFileWithPath(char *sPath, char *sFile);
-    bool Erase_Recursive(char* sPath);
-    void ProgressBar(int Current, int Total);
-    void SetReturn(int iValue = -1);
-    enum
-    {
-	func_copy_file,
-	func_delete_file,
-	func_copy_dir,
-	func_delete_dir
-    }
-    cFuncThread(cOsdBase *pStatusOSD, const char *sFromFile, const char *sToFile, int iFunction, int *piReturn = NULL);
-    virtual ~cFuncThread();
-#endif //_FUNCTHREAD__H
\ No newline at end of file
+ * functhread.h: Functions Thread
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _FUNCTHREAD__H
+#define _FUNCTHREAD__H
+#include <vdr/plugin.h>
+#include "global.h"
+class cFuncThread : public cThread
+    char *m_sFromFile;
+    char *m_sToFile;
+    int  m_iProgressBarVal;
+    int  m_iFunction;
+    int  *m_piReturn;
+    cOsd	*pOSD;				// OSD Object
+    virtual void Action(void);
+    bool Copy_File_File(char *sSrc, char *sDest);
+    bool Copy_Dir_Dir(char *sSrc, char *sDest);
+    char *MakeFileWithPath(char *sPath, char *sFile);
+    bool Erase_Recursive(char* sPath);
+    void ProgressBar(int Current, int Total);
+    void SetReturn(int iValue = -1);
+    enum
+    {
+	func_copy_file,
+	func_delete_file,
+	func_copy_dir,
+	func_delete_dir
+    };
+    cFuncThread(cOsd *pStatusOSD, const char *sFromFile, const char *sToFile, int iFunction, int *piReturn = NULL);
+    virtual ~cFuncThread();
+#endif //_FUNCTHREAD__H
Index: global.h
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/vdr/vdr/PLUGINS/src/vdrc/global.h,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2
--- global.h	13 Aug 2004 16:01:51 -0000
+++ global.h	14 Aug 2004 08:13:11 -0000	1.2
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 #define clr_vdrc_pbar_bk		clrWhite // Progress Bar Background Color
 #define clr_vdrc_pbar			clrGreen // Progress Bar Color
-#define clr_vdrc_bk			clrBackground // VDRC Backgroung Color
+#define clr_vdrc_bk			clrGray50 // VDRC Background Color
 #define clr_vdrc_item_sel		clrBlack // Selected Item Color
 #define clr_vdrc_item_sel_bk		clrCyan // Selected Item Bk Color
 #define clr_vdrc_item_nsel		clrWhite // Non-Selected Item Color
@@ -28,4 +28,7 @@
 #define _DEF_MAX_WIN 2
+#define p2c(x) ((x) / charWidth)
+#define p2l(x) ((x) / lineHeight)
 #endif //_GLOBAL__H
Index: mainwnd.c
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/vdr/vdr/PLUGINS/src/vdrc/mainwnd.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2
--- mainwnd.c	13 Aug 2004 16:01:51 -0000
+++ mainwnd.c	14 Aug 2004 08:18:01 -0000	1.2
@@ -55,28 +55,20 @@
     int x = 0;
     int y = 0;
-    x = (720 - (Setup.OSDwidth + 1) * charWidth) / 2;
-    y = (576 - Setup.OSDheight * lineHeight) / 2;
+    x = (720 - (Setup.OSDWidth + 1)) / 2;
+    y = (576 - Setup.OSDHeight) / 2;
 //	dsyslog("X <%d> Y <%d>", x, y);
-    pOSD = cOsd::OpenRaw(x, y);
+    pOSD = cOsdProvider::NewOsd(x, y);
     if (pOSD)
-    {
-	pOSD->Create(0, 0, (Setup.OSDwidth) * charWidth, lineHeight, 2);
-	pOSD->Create(0, lineHeight, (Setup.OSDwidth) * charWidth, (Setup.OSDheight - 2) * lineHeight, 2);
-	pOSD->Create(0, (Setup.OSDheight - 1) * lineHeight, (Setup.OSDwidth) * charWidth, lineHeight, 2);
-	pOSD->AddColor(clrBackground);
-	pOSD->AddColor(clrRed);
-	pOSD->AddColor(clrGreen);
-	pOSD->AddColor(clrBlue);
-	pOSD->AddColor(clrTransparent);
-	pOSD->AddColor(clrWhite);
-	pOSD->AddColor(clrBlack);
-	pOSD->AddColor(clrCyan);
-	pOSD->Clear();
+    {   
+	tArea Areas[] = { {0, 0, Setup.OSDWidth - 1, lineHeight - 1, 2 },
+			  {0, lineHeight, Setup.OSDWidth - 1, Setup.OSDHeight - lineHeight - 1, 2 },
+			  {0, Setup.OSDHeight - lineHeight, Setup.OSDWidth - 1, Setup.OSDHeight - 1, 2 }
+	};
+	pOSD->SetAreas(Areas, sizeof(Areas) / sizeof(tArea));
@@ -180,17 +172,17 @@
 void cMainWnd::CreatePanels(void)
-    int iPanelWidth = Setup.OSDwidth / _DEF_MAX_WIN;
+    int iPanelWidth = p2c (Setup.OSDWidth) / _DEF_MAX_WIN;
     int iX = 0;
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < _DEF_MAX_WIN - 1; i++)
-	pPanelWnd[i] = new cFileWnd(pOSD, iX, 0, iPanelWidth, Setup.OSDheight - 1, m_sDefDir[i]);
+	pPanelWnd[i] = new cFileWnd(pOSD, iX, 0, iPanelWidth, p2l (Setup.OSDHeight) - 1, m_sDefDir[i]);
 	iX += iPanelWidth;
-    pPanelWnd[_DEF_MAX_WIN - 1] = new cFileWnd(pOSD, iX, 0, Setup.OSDwidth - iX, Setup.OSDheight - 1, m_sDefDir[_DEF_MAX_WIN - 1]);
+    pPanelWnd[_DEF_MAX_WIN - 1] = new cFileWnd(pOSD, iX, 0, p2c (Setup.OSDWidth) - iX, p2l (Setup.OSDHeight) - 1, m_sDefDir[_DEF_MAX_WIN - 1]);
 void cMainWnd::RedrawAll(int iPanelNr)
@@ -508,15 +500,15 @@
 void cMainWnd::ShowStatusText(const char *s)
-    pOSD->Fill(0, (Setup.OSDheight - 1) * lineHeight, (Setup.OSDwidth) * charWidth, Setup.OSDheight * lineHeight, clrGreen);
-    pOSD->Text(5, (Setup.OSDheight - 1) * lineHeight, s, clrBlack, clrGreen);
+    pOSD->DrawRectangle(0, Setup.OSDHeight - lineHeight, Setup.OSDWidth - 1, Setup.OSDHeight - 1, clrGreen);
+    pOSD->DrawText(5, Setup.OSDHeight - lineHeight, s, clrBlack, clrGreen, cFont::GetFont(fontOsd));
 void cMainWnd::ClearStatus(void)
-    pOSD->Fill(0, (Setup.OSDheight - 1) * lineHeight, Setup.OSDwidth * charWidth, Setup.OSDheight * lineHeight - 1, clrBackground);
+    pOSD->DrawRectangle(0, Setup.OSDHeight - lineHeight, Setup.OSDWidth -1, Setup.OSDHeight - 1, clrGray50);
Index: mainwnd.h
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/vdr/vdr/PLUGINS/src/vdrc/mainwnd.h,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2
--- mainwnd.h	13 Aug 2004 16:01:51 -0000
+++ mainwnd.h	14 Aug 2004 08:18:31 -0000	1.2
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 #define _MAINWND__H
 #include <vdr/plugin.h>
+#include <vdr/interface.h>
 #include "filewnd.h"
 #include "global.h"
 #include "functhread.h"
@@ -14,7 +15,7 @@
 class cMainWnd : public cOsdObject
-    cOsdBase	*pOSD;				// OSD Object
+    cOsd	*pOSD;				// OSD Object
     cFileWnd	*pPanelWnd[_DEF_MAX_WIN];	// Panels Object
     int		m_iCurrentPanel;		// Active Panel
     int		m_iReturnWords;

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