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[vdr] Re: two VDR boxes

Lars von Wedel a écrit :

 > Why would you want to record the same thing twice?
 > And even if you do, you probably do not want to record it
 > into the same directory.

You may not _want_ to, but it might happen, e.g. due to a user not being
aware of a timer on the other machine.
Somebody already showed the following idea on the list, that might help in that case : why have 2 VDR instances when you only need a single VDR server with two clients ?
The idea is to split the monolithic VDR into a server that would talk to the DVB hardware, and one or more clients that would deal with OSD and rendering. SVDRP clients would be simple clients without OSD/video capability, other ones would be allowed to be local or networked, in any number. That's a big architectural change, and won't appear any time soon, it would be based on all streaming / soft device plugins out there, and would solve a lot of problems (it would also be overkill for a simple installation, but still X11 is complete overkill for a standalone desktop).
Let's talk more about that next year ;-)


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