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[vdr] Re: VDR commits ritual suicide on HD signal to FF card

Some good suggestions Nicolas.

But with all respect there is nothing even approaching decent as an alternative for TV out. I would be willing to spend $500AUS on a TV Output card that could at least match the TV Output on a FF DVB card :/

I've spent more than that already searching for alternatives but there is nothing else out there :(

Michal Dobrzynski

P.S. Wouldn't it be interesting if VDR used the gstreamer framework? It could ship with some standard graphs that implement things virtually as they are and also have the flexibility to allow users to have any sort of source + processing + sink combination.

And then I woke up and realized that it probably won't ever happen :/

On 19/10/2004, at 7:36 PM, Nicolas Huillard wrote:

Instead of investing money in a closed source firmware, you could also invest time in an open-source softdevice/whetever ;-) (given that you have a TV-out capable graphic card)

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