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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] vdr-actuator-0.0.5 plugin

Christian Gmeiner wrote:

Yes, I understand that, but it's just a workaround until the dxr3 plugin is fixed , at least I think it's caused by the dxr3 plugin, because if I don't load that plugin I don't see the problem, but I don't see tv either ;-) .

Could you explain me the problem with the dxr3 plugin?

Well, I don't know exactly. I just know that a short while after the call to cDevice::Shutdown() vdr crashes, so not all the plugins have enough time to execute their finalization code. I scratched my head for a while and I thought that my plugin was at fault, because the crash happened when my plugin was exiting.
After many hours of debugging and trying various things, I could not find anything wrong with my plugin, I only saw that, by changing the order of some instructions[*], the crash happened at a different points, so I though that it was something else causing the crash after a more or less fixed amount of time. I tried removing the plugins one by one and I saw that without the dxr3 plugin, the problem went away. So, since removing the dxr3 plugin is not an option, I just changed the order of the calls in vdr.

[*] I actually put a printf before and after a sleep, the printf before printer but it never reached the printf after. I thought that "sleep" is a function that cannot be called in a thread, so I tried removing it, and saw that the crash was happening later on. That's when I started thinking that something else was crashing and it was just a matter of timing that my plugin was the affected one.

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