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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] yaepg-0.0.2

Outstanding! Thanks you. It works great for me.

Would it be possible to add the ability to choose which VDR channels are displayed in the EPG? In Australia we have some video EPG channels and Radio channels which really have no reason to be visible in yaepg.

Also, would it be possible to choose the alignment for the description? Centering is OK but perhaps left aligned might look better. I also noticed that sometimes a character or two gets cut off in the description window (I'm talking about horizontal not vertical cutoff) and this does not seem to be due to overscan as the edge of the window can be seen.

Excellent work. Would be great if the VDR changes needed for yaepg to work could be merged into VDR proper.

Michal Dobrzynski

On 08/11/2004, at 11:58 AM, Jeremy Jones wrote:

Hi All,

I finally finished version 0.0.2 :-) The biggest change is the ability
to add timers by selecting events that haven't started yet. If you are
using yaepg-0.0.1, no new patches are required.  Support for 4MB OSD
cards and full program description aren't finished yet.

2004-11-07: Version 0.0.2

- Fixed many miscelaneous bugs.
- Better default colors (IMO).
- Integarted PAL patch created by sezz.
- Added date box to the grid.
- Added option for 12/24 hour time format.
- Added direct channel change support.
- Added ability to add timers by pressing 'Ok'
  on events that haven't started yet.


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