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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] yaepg-0.0.2

On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 07:54:18 +1000, Michal Dobrzynski <> wrote:
> Outstanding! Thanks you. It works great for me.
> Would it be possible to add the ability to choose which VDR channels
> are displayed in the EPG? In Australia we have some video EPG channels
> and Radio channels which really have no reason to be visible in yaepg.

I will consider this for the next version, a few people have asked for
this feature now :-)  At first it may require manually editing a text
file to list the channels you want but I know there are some existing
plugins for managing channel lists so hopefully I could make it work
with the existing plugins.
> Also, would it be possible to choose the alignment for the description?
> Centering is OK but perhaps left aligned might look better. I also
> noticed that sometimes a character or two gets cut off in the
> description window (I'm talking about horizontal not vertical cutoff)
> and this does not seem to be due to overscan as the edge of the window
> can be seen.

I sort of ignored this issue for this version but I will fix it in the
next version.  Once I fix the alignment issue not sure what do about
displaying "long" descriptions.  I think I will either make the box
scrollable by hitting some button or make it pop a new text box with
the complete description.

Thank you for the feedback!


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