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[vdr] Re: vdr-xine, noaction on 'color' keys..

In <>, mike lewis wrote:

> So, anybody, my vdr can't/won't record.  Its as if it completely
> ignores anything to do with recording, like there is no action taken
> when trying to set a record via schedule, and no action taken when
> clicking RED to just record what I'm watching (if this is how its
> done) and no action taken when I hit pause/play.  The only thing my
> vdr can do is tune and display the chanels in /video/channels.conf.
> note, can /video be a link to /mnt/video?  Maybe this is the problem??

Sounds like it could be permissions. Check the user that vdr runs as has
write access to /mnt/video.

TH *

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