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[linux-dvb] Re: vdr-0.90 and dvdplayer problem


Quoting Andreas Schultz (

> >yes i run vdr as root. i can now watch most dvds if i mount them manualy 
> >(badboys and fletchers visionen work but for example matrix don't).
> can you tell a bit more about your installation, e.g. versions of 
> gcc/g++, libc, libstdc++. Also what DVD drive are you using, is it a 
> phase II or a phase I drive?
> Also, i had a report from Frank Klinghoefer, that changing DEFINES in 
> the Makefile to "DEFINES  += -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D__GNUC__" fixed a 
> gcc related libdvdread problem. Try that and see if anything changes.

I don't know the current code base. But the original one from convergence
contained this (in the corresponding c file):

#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64

In my experience every libc (2.2.x) should do. Linux => 2.2.18 || Linux
>= 2.4.2 should work, regardless of RPC I or II and SCSI or ATAPI.

RPC II drives should have the region code set.

Bye... Szymon.
Szymon Polom                      | GPG Key-ID 1024D/E6EA36F2
convergence integrated media GmbH |
Rosenthaler Str. 51               | fon: +49(0)30-72 62 06 68 
D-10178 Berlin                    | fax: +49(0)30-72 62 06 55

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