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[linux-dvb] Re: Error behaviour: not sync'ed Schmidinger)  15.08.01 10:51

Once upon a time Klaus Schmidinger shaped the electrons to say...

>Joachim Franek wrote:
>> Hello,
>> if I start a recording and the second card has no connected
>> satelite cable:

Same/similar here.
Only one wire but two receivers.
Works "mormaly" (=on horizontal channels) like a charm.

>> ERROR: channel 14 not sync'ed  is reported.

That's OK.

>> - Do not terminate vdr, kill the timer.

>Very bad idea! I sometimes have that problem too, and
>by reloading the driver and restarting VDR the recording
>gets done.

I think VDR should restart too, but:
There must be a simple way for the user to terminate such a loop!

Currently i can only see:
oops, VDR is rebooting.
One minute later
VDR is rebooting
on minte later
VDR is rebooting.
On the OSD is no way to stop that loop,
not even to investigat what is going on.

An other problem is that an other parallel recording become broken too
due to the reloads of all boards.

Every recording in progress/to come next(soon) should be listed 
in the OSD so each can be killed/delayed "not now" manually and 
-more important- the user has a hint what is going on if he can't zapp

( The programmer knows what to do:
Press "menu", got to timer, and pick all those which
might be running in the momentopen each, set "deaktivate"
leave menu to make the change run, redo with every timer.
Don't forget to reactivate the timer 2h laters for the next
day :-))

The timer repetives are great, but it must be possible to
set a start date too.
After a second look it makes real sense to say: 
Start "MTWTFS" next week or on the 23 th of this month. 
(Or just: Tomorrow, not totday)

>> - Maybe to try recording with a different card.

>Why is that card not connected to a sat cable, anyway?

The card is connected, but the wrong voltage is on the wire...

The only work around to day is:
If V-polarisation is required, programm 2 timers.
that locks the screen and forces 13V on the wire.

The disadvantage is, that no zapping on the V channels
is allowed. 
(VDR can't lock partial resurces)

Ok, it think in this area a lot of works needs to be done?
There is dokumented that there is no filter that checks that 
the required resources are free for example.

The LNBP-chip can be read back.
May be this can give the user a hint?

Rainer---<=====>                         Vertraulich
         <=====>--------------ocholl, Kiel, Germany ------------

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