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[linux-dvb] Re: Pointer, avoiding "Channel not synced Problems" on Hauppauge DVBs

Juergen Sauer wrote:
> Hi!
> yesterday I've expierenced a problem and found the real solution.
> So I would give you an pointer and message what and why.
> Yesterday my Haupauge DVBs card felt into an infinite "channel not
> synced" troubel. The problem was not in the software, I recocnized a
> possible temperature overgeat problem.
> The case internal temperature reached 44° C and the Hauppauge DVBs
> quitted the duty.
> So have a look on "Channel not sync'd problems" on Hauppauge DVBs.
> I cooled the DVBs card using an electronic cold-spray (buthan  based) and
> the software (driver & VDR) worked fine again, without reloading the
> driver or VDR.
> It seems that the DVBs cards are sensible against temperatures over 44°C.

Interesting. I also have the feeling that the "channel not sync'ed" appears
more often since it is that hot these days. However, when my VDR starts a
recording and the channel doesn't sync immediately, it does so after the
automatic driver reload done by 'runvdr'. The temperature shouldn't be
much different (if any) after a driver reload, though.


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