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[linux-dvb] Re: EPG-TIMER-Programming via ?

Axel Gruber wrote:
> I use VDR - and i like his EPG-Function. - But at so much TV-Stations - the TV-Screen is realy too small :-)
> I know - CarstenKoch have made a tool to convert the "Merkliste" of to VDR timers.conf Format - so itīs possible to select your TV-Programm at each Computer at the wold wide web and import the "merkliste" by the Tool to VDR tiers.conf

I agree with Axel: while it is of course very convenient
to have a "small" EPG right on your TV screen, the online
EPF at has a lot of advantages. I like the
search function, the search macro capability, the in-depth
summaries, the sample pictures and of course the simple
fact that I have a larger screen and that I can navigate
much quicker with a mouse than with a remote control.

So, yes: I still use my little epg2timers filter program
for 99% of all my timer programming.

> the only problem at this procedure is that the website use a cookie to identify you as the right user and the website is not static.
> Every time you log in you get another URL for the "merkliste" - so itīs not possible to make this automatic by using a script and wget.
> Does anyone know a way to thet this "dynamic" site by using a script ?

I also agree with that idea: It would be extremely convenient
if I could create my "merkliste" anywhere in the world and
my vdr PC would simply download it in regular intervals and
use it automagically. Cool, right?

And: I believe that this is possible. I just did not have
time yet to give it a try. Also, I believe it may be very easy
to do this in perl, but I do not know perl, so I'd have to
write that in C/C++, which might take longer. 

Here is how I think it might work: provides
you with a "one-click login". So, loading the frameset you get
from that URL should be straightforward. One of the pages
returned in that frameset contains a link to your "merkliste".

Would anyone else like to have this feature?
Does anyone who knows perl think he can implement it in a few minutes?

Cheers, Carsten.

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