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[linux-dvb] Mute and volume control (was: Re: timeshift and more Esser)  28.08.04 20:30

Once upon a time Arno Esser shaped the electrons to say...

>Another (not so important) feature that I would appreciate very much
>somewhere in the future is a 'mute'-Key. Since I most often use
>TV-speaker and my Hifi-system for the audio output I have to handle a
>complete set of RCs in case the telefon rings or the neighbour

Same wish here.

OK, "(ISDN)phone-on-screen" would be a luxury dream 
(displaying calling nunber, on hook up, turning off TV audio, 
automatically recording to be able to a time shifted 
played back when the telefone hook down... ;-) )

>BTW is is possible to control the output volume of the DVB
>card depending on the channel and/or source that is used for
>replaying. PRO7 is loud, DVD is very silent ... An adjustment
>possibility somewhere in the configuration files would be very fine. 

Because my "HiFi-System" is not remote controlable i
would wish a volume control too...

>I know that I can do all this manually, but I'm very eager to reduce the
>total number of remote controls.

Yepp. This was already discussed here.

The pre settings might be user specific too.
(Numbering of channels etc...)

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