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[linux-dvb] Re: Integration of Powersave in VDR


i followed the whole thread regarding the powersafe-function of vdr
and thought about it ...

I agree with you that vdr should call an external program, script or
whatever with two parameters (next timer relative and next timer
absolute), this could be introduced to vdr via a commandline option.
So if this is present to vdr, there could be a new menu-option in
vdr called "Exit" or "Off" (also via temote-telnet-control). When
selecting this item vdr only calls the external program, nothing else
(the program will have to decide what to do; perhaps there should be
some ui-info like "shutdown allowed | not allowed").
And for the automatic shutdown after a recording vdr could use
user-input per session as parameter to decide whether to call the
program after a recording or not. So you just have to integrate only one
new setup parameter (delay in minutes, after the program is called
by vdr after a recording ended; if 0 the program will never be called
after a recording ended). So it's possible to use the shutdown-option
without having the possibilty to automatically power on the vdr machine.

So, what do you think?

bye, reiner

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