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[linux-dvb] Re: VDR and console Hauser)  16.09.01 10:54

Once upon a time Jens Hauser shaped the electrons to say...

>Is there any program/ tool available, which routes
>a "tty"-console via a DVB card to a TV monitor? This
>would reduce the amount of anger due to the fact of a
>computer monitor placed in the living room ... ;-)
>I'm "allowed" to have a keyboard behind the HiFi
>rack. :-)

The only cases "i" need a "tty" is when the machine 
does not boot all or something is to do in the BIOS.

There are BIOS-ROM which can use the serial port.
And there are devices that tunnels V24 thru an ethernet.
(The cheapest but most flexible  i know is from SC-12 or so, 
aprox. 100EUR ;-( )

The "normal" tty can be directed to serial too.

This would require a network connection ("by air" would
be sufficient and need no holes an long drills, but another 250(??)EUR)

An other solution would be a "KVM-switch".
(Keyboard-Video-Mouse-switch, see at Reichelt)
That avoids the keyboard behind the HiFi too,
but requires holes too and the cabels are sometimes
limited to 5m. (There are buffers to extend them to upto 100m or more).

Instead of using a Grafic-Card with TVout (which seems to be 
only available as AGP (PCI-Version seems to be only vapor ware, 
offered but never on stock, price at least 130EUR(!) for PCI)
"" has a device called "TeleViewer" (i would call it
"VGA to TV converter") which converts
VGA 640*480,800*600 or 1024*768 to a PAL or NTSC Composit, 
RGB or S-Video. Especially the RGB signal makes sense, because
the resolution of a TV is very limited compared to a 
computer display, and a composit does not make the signal better.
(Part of the band width is used for color information)

The advantage:
You are not fixed to a "special" GraCa, you can use the cheapest avail
or use the "onboard", saving a slot.
No extra powerconsuption if TVout is not needed.
No extra fan as may be found on greater GraCa
Easy to move between several devices.
No software required (100% linux compatible! ;-) )
To be used for your next "home digital dia show" too :-)
Available at "Karstadt/Hertie" or what's the current name is :-)
No black margins.
The disavantage:
More cables and 90EUR extra. (but cost neutral if used
with a 30EUR GraCa, compared to a "hi-End TVout GraKa")

Rainer---<=====>                         Vertraulich
         <=====>--------------ocholl, Kiel, Germany ------------

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