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[linux-dvb] Re: lircd with hauppauge dvb-s

Hello Matthias,

Matthias Hilbig schrieb:
> Hi
> in dvb driver directory type:
> make insmod
> cd lirc
> make insmod
> to load all kernel modules.
> you should start lircd like that:
> lircd -d /dev/lirc
> now you should be able to see pressed keys with irw

I tried all this of course. What I overlooked and therefore didn't tell in my last mail: since I
removed the CI from the hauppauge card and moved it over to the siemens card (I read somewhere about
the problem) the windvb-driver writes a line into /var/log/messages with the code anytime I press a
key one the remote. But I don't get them within irw.

Another problem, which will arise as soon as I get the first solved: The remote control of the wintv
uses the same codes as that for our tv. Because the remote control for the tv has a second and third
level for VTR and DVD I hoped, to be able to use them for controlling vdr. But this codes are not
protocolled in /var/log/messages. AFAIK the lirc.conf comes into action at a later level, so it
should be of no interest, whether the codes are in it, isn't it? Or is it probable, that the remote
control uses different codes on different levels?

BTW: My provider killed my e-mail some days ago, so I saw your answer only on
news://, which I just found in the vdr mailinglist. So don't
blame me, if it is not referenced correctly.


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