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[linux-dvb] Multicast-IP-Filter removal

Hi everybody,

I have a question concerning the setting of multicast-filters for
IP-Networking with my DVB-card.

When I ifconfig the DVB-network-device a set of 3 multicast-filters is
established according to /var/log/messages.
When traffic comes over the device, a fourth filter is set. This fourth
filter is removed again, when there was no traffic for some time.

Is this removal of the "traffic"-filter triggered by some timeout and if
so, can I change the timeout-intervall?

Background to my question:
I'm accessing the internet with isdn dial on demand. The timeout for the
idsn-connection is set to 30 secs. This seems to be shorter than the
timeout for the filter, because the 4th filter stays up after the
isdn-connection is removed. The next time, I try to access the internet,
I always get server timeouts for the first request. After that timeout,
the fourth filter is removed and everything works fine.

Best regards
Wolfgang Wershofen                

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