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[linux-dvb] Re: 8 bit OSD window

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> You have probably made your OSD window too large.

Hi Klaus,

you are right. After reducing the size to 292x292 I could see the rectangle.

> There is only a limited amount of OSD memory available, so you can't
> have a full screen 8bpp OSD window (not even a 4bpp window).

I guess this is a limitation of the card, correct?

> Take a look at VDR's dvbosd.c to see what VDR does to provide a useful
> full screen OSD window. It creates several smaller windows with only the
> absolutely necessary color depth.

Yes, I always wondered why this behaviour was used. Now I know it. 
Anyway, although I could split my big window into smaller windows, they 
still require 8 bit. So I still cannot create a full screen OSD.

Seems like I have to wait some years, until cards with the appropriate 
amount of memory are available. I do not feel like I would like to 
remultiplex the stream to add the overlay. What I read on this and the 
vdr mailing list, it seems quite problematic.

Thanks anyway.

Fraunhofer FOKUS        \
Andreas Zisowsky         \
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