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[linux-dvb] Re: [RFC] USB DVB design

Lauri Tischler wrote:
> Holger Waechtler wrote:
>>Due to the high power consumtion of the frontend we'll need an external
>>power supply of about 5...9V/5W. Using other DVB-C/S/T frontends should
>>be trivial, only minor changes in layout and and power supplies should
>>be necessairy. 
> How about having multiple frontend capability, like DVB-S and DVB-[T|C]

it's pretty simple to modify the design for another frontend, you'll 
need only minor changes in the power supplies and the layout. I think 
the low costs for the PCBs (about 10-20EUR at quantities of 10-20pcs.) 
won't justify the higher effort of a 'universal' PCB design.

Would you like to work on a DVB-C and/or DVB-S version?


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