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[linux-dvb] Re: full featured card without signal and requited video memory investigation

At 13:51 12/07/2003, you wrote:
> vdr-1.2.1 with pre3 and a sat setting in channels.conf like
> CNN Int.:12168:V:S19.2E:27500:165:100:47:0:28512
> then "tuning" to it, and switching back to DVB-T seeing whether it runs
> stable for more than a couple of hours.

I'm now running vdr1.2.1 on latest cvs driver, all OK so far.
Good stuff. It appears the Nexus Rev 2.1's don't crash on a missing signal.
Getting the code to run to shut down the tuner after a while so load doesn't stay high for too long would be great.

I'll test with CVS and rev 1.3 soon, it could well be that past mid June CVS drivers the ARM crashes have gone but the load stays high.

What does the
pre1, pre3 refer to?
1.0.0 driver versions on . No need for pre3 with CVS...

I'll post again as soon as something disappears :)
Thx :).

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