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[vdr] Re: Subdirs and Subtitle - another implementation suggestion

Hello Klaus,

Klaus Schmidinger wrote on Sunday, February 03, 2002, 11:47:36 AM:

KS> So, since using this feature is most likely always going to be in the context
KS> of a series with individual episodes, I guess I'm going to use the two keywords

KS> TITLE    for the title of the series
KS> EPISODE  for the name of the current episode

KS> and replace these with the actual data at the time of recording in the "File"
KS> parameter of the timer. This will even allo a timer file like


KS> which will name this to whatever the tv station broadcasts at the time.

KS> If no EPG data is available at the time of recording, TITLE will default
KS> to the station name (with or without the preceeding '@', depending on the
KS> individual setup) and EPISODE will default to "_" (actually a 'blank' character),
KS> which is what it does already in case of a periodic timer.

KS> Any objections to this?

The keywords seem to be ok, I don't know a better one.

A  negative  thing  when using the TITLE keyword is that I cannot see in
timers.conf for what I set that timer. What does


mean   to  me  when  I  look into the timers.conf? The problem is that I
can't  set a Timer with a name "x" (so that I can see what the timer is
for) and use the TITLE macro for the name of the recording dir.

But I cannot really think about a situation when I use the TITLE keyword
at all..

Only the instant recording with TITLE~EPISODE seems to be useful!

Some other things about instant recordings names:

- an  instant  recording  should  be  named  "TITLE  - EPISODE" and not
  "TITLE~EPISODE"  because  in 99% there will never be another recording
  with  that  name  (one  had  set  a  repeating  timer  if  a series is
  important).  Without  the subdir, one can quickly replay the recording
  without the additional move into the subdir.

- an instant recording should be named with @ if option enabled (mark
  instant recordings)

- a better episode name if no EPG data is available could be "NOEPG" or
  the title of the timer if not using TITLE macro, that means:

  when I have a timer

  1:5:-D-----:2155:0020:99:99:Ally McBeal~EPISODE:

  and no EPG info is available, VDR could record to

  Ally McBeal/Ally McBeal

BTW:  How  long  is  VDR searching for EPG data? I think some recordings
here were named with xxx/_ because the time is too short (yes, I'm sure I can
set  the  time somewhere in the source). Do you mean that an option "EPG
searching time" (in sec) can be useful?

Bye, Uwe.

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