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[vdr] illegal characters for VFAT directories

are " ? * < > |
and  ü Ü ä Ä ö Ö  when they are put in under linux (under VFAT that's
also / \  : ~ blank,  these are  changed by VDR already, but
unfortunately to characters, that are also illegal under VFAT, except :
and blank
So something like
Ä -> AE
ä -> ae
ö -> oe
Ö -> OE
ü -> ue
Ü -> UE
~ -> _
/ -> _
\ -> _
  -> _
: -> .
? -> #
" -> #
* -> #
> -> #
< -> #
| -> #
would be necessary, of course these replacements are just a suggestion.
This gives up reversibility of course, but there are more "bad"
characters, than "good" ones to replace them.
I like the new TITLE EPISODE feature, and the possibility to turn of @,
this makes the need for working replacements even greater. I hate to
loose recordings because of bad characters.
If you take this or something similar into the next release, Klaus, that
would be nice, and there is no more need to patch it "by hand", what I
only remember to do after the next lost recording...


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