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[vdr] Re: EPG-Info length

Rainer Zocholl wrote:

> Did you ever try to enter a name in the timer with RC?
> You do it exactly twice: The first and the last time.
> It's a horror.

I'm still a newbie in using timers (probably because I will never trust 
(italian) epg-entries (too inaccurate)) so: is it possible to start 
recording, and set for how much time it has to record? I mean, something 
like this (on my old mitsubishi vhs): every time I press that button the 
recording time is incremented by 10, 15 minutes. A very practical and 
quick way to record something you can't see because you have to exit 
IMMEDIATELY ehehheh...!

thank you

P.S. I've heard about a patch that changes the meaning of the remote 
buttons adding new shortcuts and another that changes the appearance, 
perhaps colors of the menu: where are they avaiable?

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