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[vdr] Kernel-Patch to make VDR undisturbable


I added a scheduling method to the linux kernel for use with VDR. 
It provides a special (higher priority, faster reaction time) 
scheduling which prevents other tasks from disturbing VDR.
With it you can use VDR under heavy load and on very slow machines 
without having problems.
An example: I use an old computer with a 133MHz processor as web-
server, proxy, mail-server and filebase for my small network. I 
added two DVB-S cards and VDR. With this kernel-modification VDR 
runs perfect even under really heavy load.
So if you ever had one of these:
- drop-outs in recordings or
- problems with transfer-mode or 
- problems with time-shifting or
- slow reaction time on commands
this might be the solution.

Instructions: 1. Patch Kernel
              2. complie vdrrun.c (gcc vdrrun.c -o vdrrun)
              3. start VDR using vdrrun 
                 (i.e. ./vdrrun /opt/VDR/vdr)
              4. be happy ;-)

Patch and programm available at:


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