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[vdr] Re: vdr not reading .lircrc ?

On Wednesday 05 June 2002 11:42, Gunnar Roth wrote:


> >reported to the application, nor are they controllable by the application.
> if i press the YELLOW button vdr reacts on it. no matter which operation
> mode of the client lib is activated. so this key is not usable for other
> applications
> it is not neccessary that vdr knows the operation mode. operation mode of
> lirc is above vdr and could be used to give control to different apps
> depending on the mode.

First, i DO know how the lircrc stuff works. Second, yes you are right, it 
would make vdr more friendly to other apps.

> vdr opration modes can be handled by vdr like it already does.

The problem is that IMHO vdr is too limited in that respect. Let me explain 
what i mean by operation modes and key-to-function mapping:

Suppose we had a key XYZ that is normaly mapped onto the FFWD (fast forward) 
function. Now, in the DVD play code during playback i would just like to 
receive the information that the user just pressed FFWD. But the actual key 
mapped onto FFWD *could* also be used as the "RIGHT" key in DVD menues. I 
don't want to handle the distinction wether the user has a RIGTH and a FFWD 
key or if this is a dual use key. I just want a methode which takes the 
current operation mode and the key as input, e.g. (DVD,MENU, key) or 
(DVD,PLAY, key), and returns what the key acctualy should mean.

Have fun

Andreas Schultz <>
Student of computer science

"In accordance with plans for Linux OS world domination
      infiltration of governments is vital (:-))."

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