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[vdr] A/V-Interface suggestion


with the 1.1.x branch of VDR a new problem has arised.

When using plugins for any kind of I/O-cards (DVB, TV, DXR3, Encoder-boards
...) well have to handle and convert a lot of A/V-formats/-codecs (MPEG1/2,
YUV, RGB, DivX, PCM, MP3, ...).

So we'll need a common A/V-interface. As implementing A/V-conversion into
every cDevice-plugin will be a waste, we should use given modules.

As there already are a lot of A/V-plugins I'd suggest to implement a
Transcode-API into VDR which can be accessed by any plugin/cDevice-class.
Every I/O-plugin could simply call the A/V-plugin necessary for it's
hardware, and for the recording- and cutting-plugin the user could select a
format (e.g. VOB)


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