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[vdr] Picture dropouts with NEWSTRUCT

I have just tried the latest NEWSTRUCT driver with VDR 1.1.9,
but the problem that the picture and sound drops out every few
seconds still persists.

Can anybody else reproduce this? Just load the NEWSTRUCT driver
as it comes from the CVS, compile VDR 1.1.9 (or 1.1.8, doesn't matter)
with NEWSTRUCT=1 and run it. It will switch to the current channel,
and after a few seconds the picture will drop black and come back
after a short while. It would appear that this happens more often
on the Sat.1/Pro7 transponder than on the RTL transponder.

This doesn't happen with the "old" driver, at least not the one I'm
using (based on CVS 2002-06-23, with the latest NEWSTRUCT firmware).


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2                               Email:
D-84568 Pleiskirchen, Germany           URL:

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