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[vdr] Virtual Volumes (WAS: Re: nice features...)

Am Monday 23 September 2002 12:02 schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:
> I guess its possible to do that - but I'm not sure if channels.conf is the
> right place for this, since this would be a user defined value, and I want
> to make channels.conf user and installation independent (that's why I'm
> going to revise the DiSEqC handling). Besides, just one value per channel
> wouldn't be enough, since the audio level is often also different for each
> APID. Well, considering this maybe channels.conf _would_ be the right place
> for it, since otherwise there would be a whole lot of cross references
> necessary between some user channel setup and the channels.conf.

Wouldn't be channels.conf the right place? You say it should be hardware and 
platform independent, but it is, even with the volumes, because they are 
channel- and station-dependent.

Wouldn't it be great just to define a max volume for every channel? (let's say
full 255 for VIVA and 220 for MTV for example) Then the actual volume slider
could be projected onto that. That means if I turn the Volume up to 255 and 
watch VIVA, the card is giving the actual 255 strength. If I switch to MTV, 
255 (virtual volume) is calculated to 220 (MTV real max. volume). For Volume 
128, this would be calculated 128 for VIVA and 110 for MTV.

What about that? (If this is too complicated, I'll try again in German ;))) )

Sascha Volkenandt

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