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[vdr] Re: Announcement: 2divx 1.5.7 is out

> Martin,
> just wanted to say thank you for this 2divx script. I didn't tested 1.5.7
> yet, but I look forward to use with last versions of mencoder.
> I personnaly have a modified commands.conf to toggle between low and high
> quality DivX encoding (symbolic link to different 2divx.conf with different
> bitrates). This way I can generate with the remote DivX to archive on CD or
> to make available for the web.
> About the script (that I modified with the simplest way of doing
> since dvbscale is implemented). May I suggest you to include the 25 fps
> (PAL) 30 fps (NTSC) modification (published here in the past months) which
> modify the vertical resolution depending on the fps. The easiest thing
> would be that mplayer do it itself of course :)
Since my modified dvbscale patch all getvidxy() isn't necessary anymore in - however you're right ntsc videos are not treated properly :-(
I guess changing the dvbscale patch is no problem at all - i must first have a 
look at the fps in mplayer ... But the external call (expand=-1:576) pushes 
everything to 576 lines :-/
So, best would be, if i can manage to add some more changes to the dvbscale 
stuff, making it autodetect the fps and expanding to the appropriate height 
value ...
Doesn't sound too hard on the first look - time will tell ...


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