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[vdr] easier vdr installation [WAS: Beginners Questions]

Micha <> wrote:

> > i think, makeing vdr installation easier, would do no good, either.
> > at least as long vdr is under heavy development.
> I thought that is what Version 1.1.x is for. 1.0.4 seems pretty stable
> and of course is ready for day to day use.

why don't you bug your linux distributer for giveing you 1.0.4 rpms
then? it is their job to provide enduser linux systems.

> > the easier vdr
> > installation gets, the more "windows only" users will use it,
> > because there is no real solution for windows available and the more
> > linux newbie questions will show up on the list.
> Just one suggestion: why not set up another list, for example
> vdr-pro-users, where only certified unix engineers are allowed to
> join? No, just kidding.. but perhaps splitting into vdr-users and
> vdr-developer? Or better, mail some usage-guidelines to everyone who
> subscribes, so that newbie questions should be marked as for example
> 'Beginners questions' ? - Oh, I see..., this was a beginners
> question...

as you know: the average windows user is not able to fill the subject
properly. the number of mails with "(no subject)" is allready
increasing. to easy to use systems will produce dumb users with no clue
what they are doing and no idea how they could help themselfs.

> What I want to say is: If there is some dumb question, why
> don't just ignore it or let some other guy answer? As long as I can
> identify these messages by looking at the subject-line there is no
> reason to moan.

see above. even if someone can identivy "unimportant" mails by subject,
this will lower noise to signal ratio on the list. sooner or later we
will get tons of html-mails and the real important people (and i do NOT
mean myself) will probably leave the list.

> Please don't adjust to the tone of some other boards
> and mailing-lists.

maybe my mail has sounded (sounds) a bit rude, but i don't want linux to
become another wind*s. maybe i should switch to bsd? ;-)

if you want an easy to install vdr, ask your distributor. if you want
more, do your homework first. thats the way linux(-software) works.

just my 2 cents ...

> Immer schön geschmeidig bleiben...
das ist nicht meine art.

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