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[vdr] Re: can the osd be accessed by a separate pthread?

Gunnar Roth wrote:

Is this really true? what about a status message appearing because of cutting process ended?
or a message iniated by a call to my vbox plugin also show a status message if new calls are available.
I use idnlog to display the current phone caller name and number on tv, by using
I just did a test. i opened tetris and by accident, my sister in law called on the phone.
the reult was, that the tetris plugin was shattered, the message diplay line, was transparent black on top of the screen,
insteas of beieng green and at the bottom. furthermore video and sound of the live a/v was heavily distorted.

there should be some way to stop the games plgun from using the osd, while the main thread uses the osd.
maybe the cStatus class can be used...

i think the core vdr should improve this in helping the plugins in some way, to not mix up the osd.


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