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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] vdr-serial-0.0.1

At Mittwoch, 9. Juli 2003 13:00 Ralf Klueber wrote:
> I managed yesterday to get it all running. You find it under
> . At the moment there is one
> major drawback. The permanent polling of the serial line lasts to 90%
> CPU load for VDR.
> So my question is how to slow done things a bit that the load is less. I
> tried do insert something like delay_ms(200) somewhere whithin the code
> but with no result.
> [...]

Hello Ralf,

I didn't want to pollute the ML, so this one goes out in private. I've been 
stumbling over exactly the same things than you (I suppose) for my parallel 

First, I guess the high CPU load is created by LOCK_THREAD, which you 
probably don't even need (I don't). The Polling is basically the same with 
my PlugIn, except that I do a usleep(1) delay. That is not really one 
microsecond, but simply yields the scheduler to have other processes work, 
and then returns from usleep(). No CPU usage visible at all.

Second, I suppose you'd like to use the frontpanel as the ONLY remote, am I 
right? Maybe you'd like to add an (compile-time?) option not to derive your 
class from cRemote, because if you want to use the frontpanel as an 
extension to a LIRC remote, VDR will only learn one remote. Besides, if the 
functions of the buttons are fixed, you could just place a 
cRemote::Put(kDown) if the front-panel DOWN button is pressed, and so on. I 
don't think it is senseful to learn a remote which keys are fixed anyways 

Third, since our PlugIns are similar, what do you think about the idea of 
writing a combined plugin for home-brew panels? I could think of using the 
i2c-parallel driver to drive a PCF-chip (8-bit I/O controlled with only 2 
pins) to extend the possible number of leds and buttons to almost infinite 
:-) (2 pins = one bus = 256 devices = 2048 ports)


P.S.: Achja vergessen. Nächstes mal schreib ich auch Deutsch :-)

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