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[vdr] When cutting - winding stops and timeline disappears


I have a small problem and just wanted to hear if somebdy else has got the

When I cut small files - about 30 min. - VDR is somehow interrupted while
winding forward with the yellow key (or is it green for forward !? - I don't
look anylonger as I know my remote blindly ;) ). It only happens on small
recordings (for my children).

Here is what I do :
I start replay press Ok to get the "timeline" and then with the colour keys
wind to the first point and then fine adjust with the arrows. Then Im press
0 to mark beginning. Then I press the yellow key to wind forward, but after
a short time VDR stops winding and the Timeline disapears. I am stil in
replay so I can press OK again and then wind to the end, but I had this a
lot of times so I just wanted to notice.

And no, klaus, I did not try vanilla VDR yet ;) I will do this later wenn I
find the time. I just wanted to see if I am the only one.

Christian Jacobsen

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